doc's dog day

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


The nimble hands moves progressively every passing moment, it has been engineered to perfection to advance and move precisely at a given interval and like clockwork the ticking and progressive movement of the second hand point to the exact quantum- second of the day. What exactly is time? Why is everything regarding time so important? Why doesn't it wait for anyone?

I have been in this world for 34.83 years or 417.96 months or 12,721.657 days or 305319.76 hours or 18319185 minutes or multiplied by another 60 second in seconds. That was a few mins ago, as I am writing it, the seconds passed, and my youth is slowly being ebbed little by little. I could only get older, greyer, wrinkler and less strong only with passing time. What can I do to better my situation, to change what had I achieve so far, to halt the progression and the ravishes of this four letter word?

I reflect of the amount of time given to me in this place and it dawned upon to me that how little I have achieve over the span of 18319185 minutes. I had been given 34.83 years to prove myself and sad to say, have nothing much to show other than a run down place I conduct my business. I haven't achieve anything significant over the years and it occured to me that when Mozart was my age, he would have been dead for more than a decade! Imagine being drawn parellel with this maestro. I pale in comparison and have nothing to offer, nothing to give as well as no glorious reputation to bask in.

I need to make something happen with the little remaining time that I have left. I need to make a difference but where should I start? Can't I turn back the time and reverse the effects of it? Those wishful thoughts will be the best possible solution, teleporting me to when I was a baby, crying and ranting; choosing to be born to a more affluent family; Maybe Royalty? Or when I was in school, whereby I should be matured enough not to spend all my time playing useless games choosing instead to concentrate more on my studies? Or when I was in my teens, to focus my creative juices and time on inventing some business propositions and plans rather than wasting time fantasizing about beautiful Japanese actresses and singers, or even the Ah Lian next door? Or prior to entering Med school where I can choose some different discipline rather than medicine! How I wish this is a viable solution and option to all my woes. It would then be so much easier. I would also not make the mistake of being a bachelor. Definately not choose to break off.

But back to reality, since things cannot be unchanged, I have to look forward and make the best time has to offer and to make the remaining time worthwhile of all my sacrifices. I need make do with what I have and focus on getting what is possible. I want to be happy. In the meantime, the second hand is continously ticking, it's no longer 18319185 minutes anymore, it has since changed to 18319200 minutes and counting. Like what they say, time waits for no one.


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