doc's dog day

Friday, September 23, 2005


When one is down and feeling completely out of tune with life and its surroundings, what naturally comes into the mind is nothing seems to be going well. Why is life so full of miseries and unpleasantness? Why is it that bad things seems to be attracted to one like flies to the hot bulb? But upon seeing a sweet smile from a familiar person or someone who is not known like a passer by on a street, the burden of feeling bogged down with problems and predicaments immediately goes away. Why is smile so important? I reckon it has the miraculous effect of lightening one's foul moods. As far as I am concerned if I am not in a good temperament, a smile usually is a precedent to make me feel better.

Excerpts are from a song that I remembered from the older days,

A smile is such a wonderful thing,
It lightens up your face
And when you frown u'll never find
It's secret hiding place
And far more wonderful it is
To see what smile can do
You smile at one, she smiles at you
And so one smile makes two!

Well this song has been playing on and on in my mind these past few days. I reckon seeing someone smiling at me, be it young or old, male or female, beautiful or not, is immaterial, it always tend to elicit a reaction in me to instinctively smile back. I love smiling, it helps to keep my wrinkles away from my face. If I recall correctly ( and if my anatomy is still intact) smiling only involves 2 facial muscles, orbicularis oris and the messeter muscles where else frowning and anger involves many more than that! So in order to prevent wrinkles from developing, smiling is the best anti aging therapy available! So whoever you are, and if u are reading this, please do remember to start smiling and hopefully this will brighten and lighten the moods of the people around you, smile and the whole world smiles back! :)


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