doc's dog day

Thursday, October 11, 2007

We know we are Malaysians

We know we are Malaysians when ...

1) we spend hundreds of millions to put a tourist in space but is unable to provide decent pay for our servicemen.

2) we build super expensive SMART tunnel drainage system which is unable to prevent floods

3) we spend loads on an international airport only to be used as a place to house Banglas.

4) we resurface roads only to be dug up later by utility companies

5) have laws but no implementation.

6) we have chauvinistic Male MPs vilifying a woman's period in parliament and getting away scott free.

7) we have to pay for the repair of a bridge that costs more than the initial cost of the bridge due to shoddy workmanship

8) Get discounts for not paying your compound fines on time.

9) the parliament discusses punishment for a student for singing a rap version of the national anthem but nothing is being done to catch the snatch thieves and criminals that murder, rape and pillage.

10) when a boy who forgot to carry his ID card was jailed 6 months and murderers gets away scott free.


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