My second entry for the day, I might be seriously lacking better things to do, or rather lack clients to immerse my time with. But since there isn't any patients to see, here I am writing again in my blog so that my time here is spend with having an outlet, and not simply just watse and frittered it away. I have nothing to write in particular but as my fingers dance it's way through the keyboard, hopefully something substantial will come out of it.
I think after going through some other people's blog, it occurs to me that some actually is happy with the developments surrounding them, for instance this blog which glaringly advertises her happiness with having found another half, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate her on having found someone to spend her life with! Kudos and may happiness and blessings be upon her and her loved one. I wonder what is the purpose of life as it is? Writing my previous entry about not bitching, it would be nonsensical if I start bitching about life now, but seriously what seems to be our purpose in life?
I would reckon most would react in a particular set of answers, ask a school kid and immediately the standard things start coming out, "When I grow up I want to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Teacher, etc etc,", these are the prototypes, where else the more creative ones will answer astronaut, or maybe even the Prime Minister. But have anyone gave any thoughts about what is our purpose in life? Is being married to someone you love, your purpose in life? Your grand scheme of things?
I wonder what is MY purpose in life? I am not bothered about money so much, and neither am I bothered with fame, I set out having an ambition to be a health care provider and I basically nailed that, but seriously I haven't given much thought in what I intend to squeeze out of my life? Well at least what is remaining of it! I, as any mere mortals want to be happy, and even if it means becoming poor and having to slog my whole life, I reckon that's worth it. Happiness is something that in my honest opinion, none negotiable and by jolly; I will strive and strive hard to acheive this. So what makes one happy? In the previous blogger's opinion, its' finding a partner and loving them in return, she can find bliss and happiness in loving some one and in return being loved. Another might digress and opt for riches and fame, like those people competing in the Malaysian Idol. Or some simply wants a TV or even an Ipod Nano. Whatever gives them the "high" or feeling of euphoria.
For me, I would want to think that everyone will eventually reach their goal in finding happiness, As the blogger that found happiness in finding a counterpart, I am also looking for something that would make me happy, as it is, this ingredient is still elusive and covert, which inadvertantly makes me wonder what is it?
I think after going through some other people's blog, it occurs to me that some actually is happy with the developments surrounding them, for instance this blog which glaringly advertises her happiness with having found another half, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate her on having found someone to spend her life with! Kudos and may happiness and blessings be upon her and her loved one. I wonder what is the purpose of life as it is? Writing my previous entry about not bitching, it would be nonsensical if I start bitching about life now, but seriously what seems to be our purpose in life?
I would reckon most would react in a particular set of answers, ask a school kid and immediately the standard things start coming out, "When I grow up I want to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Teacher, etc etc,", these are the prototypes, where else the more creative ones will answer astronaut, or maybe even the Prime Minister. But have anyone gave any thoughts about what is our purpose in life? Is being married to someone you love, your purpose in life? Your grand scheme of things?
I wonder what is MY purpose in life? I am not bothered about money so much, and neither am I bothered with fame, I set out having an ambition to be a health care provider and I basically nailed that, but seriously I haven't given much thought in what I intend to squeeze out of my life? Well at least what is remaining of it! I, as any mere mortals want to be happy, and even if it means becoming poor and having to slog my whole life, I reckon that's worth it. Happiness is something that in my honest opinion, none negotiable and by jolly; I will strive and strive hard to acheive this. So what makes one happy? In the previous blogger's opinion, its' finding a partner and loving them in return, she can find bliss and happiness in loving some one and in return being loved. Another might digress and opt for riches and fame, like those people competing in the Malaysian Idol. Or some simply wants a TV or even an Ipod Nano. Whatever gives them the "high" or feeling of euphoria.
For me, I would want to think that everyone will eventually reach their goal in finding happiness, As the blogger that found happiness in finding a counterpart, I am also looking for something that would make me happy, as it is, this ingredient is still elusive and covert, which inadvertantly makes me wonder what is it?
Can I ramble abt how I feel lately here, right here @ your blog?
I'm not really happy recently. My emo fuel meter's sinking. I feel stressful. Mood swings without apparent reasons, or excuses. (Of coz there are stupid things which trigger that swings, but I choose to ignore them ...just don’t think don’t think don’t think) .
I’m a problem avoider eh? That’s why I’m bad in calculations. I never like to confusing and mind-tangling equations.Too much effot:P
I’m not an expressive person. Sometimes I thought, tho I blog abt happy stuff, I m not exactly optimist; or when I blog depressingly, I’m not exactly sad. M rather a confused extremist eh? Hehe.
I just do not know how to tell or who to tell or what to tell. And even if I do, I can sort of expect the same-o consoling and supposedly encouraging replies.
If I start bitching abt life, I think I m circling myself in myself.
I do feel bad for people around me sometimes, esp my colleagues and friends. Coz, I look rather fierce and distance when I put on that constipated stressful look (didn’t do it on purpose, just don’t feel like talking).
I wish I have those cheery & happy go lucky mindsets.
“You are the master of your own emotions” ....I was told.
Ya. She was right.
Thank god I’m feeling better today already. Not sure about tomorrow tho. Just have to keep reminding myself to think positively in order to lift up my mood.
Hey, now I know why people use “cross” for Christianity. It signifies positive-ity ‘+’ too right?
I wish your mum well, she’s so lucky to have you :)
Winn, at October 13, 2005 9:44 PM
Wahlau! really long comment! keng! Anyway sure ramble away! kekekeke
Seriously thank you. I guess how ever hard I try, things like this is beyond us. Anyway I am happy that you are feeling happier! Kudos and keep the spirits high!
mercuri2000, at October 14, 2005 5:19 PM
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