doc's dog day

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A long absence

It has been such a long time since I update my blog. My last update was in mid March and now it's the beginning of July. How time flies.

How have I been? Well, it's pretty much the same. I have decided that writing would be good, but it would be better to cast away all the unhappy feelings aside and write something positive everyday. Oh well, it would only be reasonable to have a little tinge of bad news but it would be more positives upsides rather than predominantly negative ones.

So how did the past few months go? Suffice to say, it has more negatives than positives, but as i have mentioned prior to this, I pledge to focus more on the positivity of life rather than continuously languish in negative ones. Business has been pretty good lately, I reckon most probably due to the unpredictable weather lately..

I also have been logging in more exercises and it's good since I had been pretty unfit, drinking and piling on weight which is predominantly concentrated around my midsection. I am more lithe and fitter now, which is good. As for my relationship issues, not here to comment, but one thing's though, I am trying not to think too much, choosing to take one day at a time. Eh, am supposed to be concentrating to the positivity of times I tend to divert a bit. :)

I reckon I will try posting and blogging more, and lets hope it would be onto better and brighter things ahead.


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