doc's dog day

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I haven't been posting and writing as much as I want to lately. After the pretty vocal posts that I had last posted, my anger at their double standards have sort of fizzled out. I actually think I shouldn't be so worked up and let them be, obviously being opinionated and sticking to my principles gets me nowhere.

Okay that aside, things are going on track, I just got my xray licence after applying for close to 9 months. I can now give out a sigh of relieve as I had gotten that sorted out albiet in such a long time. I am now in the process of applying for my Foreigner Medical Checkup license. I have asked someone with deep connections to do the application for me, least it would be fasttracked. I am pretty sick and tired of the long wait. Anyway I reckon I should really relax now as it's definate that my quota would be filled this year, hence that it self would be enough to cover my expenses for my Xray machine.

Another aspect of my life has been pretty lacklustre, nope, relationship's aside, I am talking about my investments, shares are exactly performing, and hence not having as much liquidity as I would have liked. I am also looking into purchasing a property, the latest that I have been viewing is in Mont Kiara. It's nice and has a perfect view of the whole Klang valley, alas the only problem is that the price is not "worth". I am buying for investment and not for stay which means that I need something that can generate me good returns. I really need to be patient and take my time to hunt for one that is worthwhile investing, this game would be as a good friend always say, "played in months" and not in "mins and hours". He has been exhorting me to be patient and chop one that is worth while.

Towards the end of this month I am taking a short break across the causeway, I haven't visited the tiny republic for like 5 years and I reckon having worked so hard, it would be a refreshing break. Well hopefully things will look brighter next month with my licence and my investments. May sounds like a good month!

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Whenever I discuss about big drug companies I always end up getting pissed. These are a bunch of no good vultures and whichever way they think otherwise, it's cold blooded dollar and cents. I might get sued for giving my extreme views about them, but I couldn't care less, sue me if they want, I have experienced the so call "ethical companies" and the way that they deal and do things.

Some dickheads in the hieraki will claim that they are ethical and want to do the best to serve the medical professionals, but heck, we the GPs always get the raw end of the bargain. We consume and purchase the most medications, buying loads from them for we want to buy at the best possible bonus and hence cheaper, but we never get the best and cheapest prices, That is instead reserved for specialist.

I recalled a certain high blood pressure and anticholesterol medication, prices for us "normal" doctors with maximum bonusing is 30%, but for cardiologist it's 45% even in smaller lots. As it is, specialist charge much more then us and they get to have cheaper prices? I wonder what calculations is this based upon, fact is the reason other than wanting those specialist to "use" their medicine they would also want to the sell it to donkeys like us, GP, so that they can claim that this reknown specialist, so and so, is also using their medicines, and like true donkeys we also say, "yah hor, if he uses, I also have to use", dem blardi stupid.

We never get to go for CME ( continuing medical educations), we never get sponsored for so called overseas CMEs (or issit called holidays?) as those people sponsored never actually attend the conference. We don't even get a stupid poster or anything to hang, I have to ask them a few times for a stupid friggin poster, for more than 1 year now, it's still not materialised! I have yet to get my poster. The laughable thing is that I am buying medicine from them. Apart from that, we don't get anything, even pens and calenders also we don't fecking get. Those are "reserved" for themselves as well as their more popular doctors that they want to carry balls for. Why am I pissed? I call this double standards.

So when someone tells me in their 'oh so ethical way' , that they are sponsoring some priviledged doctors for "trips" overseas for CME, I get pissed big time. Oh yah, as for the vaccine for hawkers, the prices that I get from them is 35 bucks per dose, and from the wholesaler is 30 bucks! I will only get a 30bucks per dose price from them if I BUY 30 doses or more. U know what I think? go feck off u leeches.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


It was like more than a week since my patient passed away, I had done my best in ensuring that she had a reasonable distress free quality of life and the easing of her passing was painless. I was certainly pleasantly surprised with the reaction that I had received from her children.

I was going about my daily activities, seeing, treating and talking to patients, and her children, mostly from abroad dropped by my clinic to return the surplus intravenous drips that I had brought with me when I went there for the house call. They thanked me profusely for talking the trouble to visit and dispense medical care towards her. I was so touched with their gestures of coming and making the effort to see me for something that I didn't think I contributed a lot in helping their mum. For that I felt bad.

Even more surprising was that they actually bought me a few present which I feel is wholly unwarranted, for whatever it is, I did charged them for the home visit. One of the present is a nicely gift wrapped Dunhill pen, it's costs would be something to ponder upon. That wasn't the issue, I didn't want to accept the gift for I wholehearted felt that I didn't anything much, but I relented as I think it would put them at ease. I told them a thank you card would actually suffice. The answer that they gave me really touched me.

I guess all these makes me have a renewed and recharged believe that there are some people out there that actually appreciates what we, the private doctors do, and whom were widely and regularly protrayed as being blood thirsty, money mad and inhumane. It would also give me a more renewed sense of wellbeing, vigor and energy to continue what I have been doing all these while. I just want to tell that instead of them being thankful to me, I have to instead thank them for giving me more optimism and drive to go on. I truly appreciate this for they have really touched my life.