doc's dog day

Friday, June 24, 2005


Today is a Friday, weekend is looming along the horizon. I should be feeling relieved but I reckon I am too tired with the sequence of events happening last nite. As usual after work I went back home after buying a 6 pack. Started drinking and at around 1am in the morning I hit the sac after getting through my 4th can. Slept for a while until I heard a knock on my door. Answered it and was dismayed to learn that my mum has gone completely bonkers, she still has energy and had actually disconnected her urinary tube, naturally urine was all over the place and not to mention she is completely lying on the floor! her mattress and comforter shrewn all over the place! I wonder if she is doing this to irritate us or as a way to get back as us, children! Well I end up cleaning up the mess with my sis, luckily there is not injury on my mum! Reckon have to thank my lucky star.

Manage to squeeze in a few more minutes of rest and then it's another long day for me. Arrived at work as per usual and patients are coming on and off, I am happy when it's like that. At least it will keep me occupied and not think so much. I think keeping occupied is another way to prevent oneself from thinking too much. I have been writing on this blog everyday and I wonder if I would continue to write 6 months down the line? Perhaps my blog would be too long already and the good people of this blogspot will be pissed! haha! Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that the young girl that was having a severe allergic reaction is currently well and all her symptoms are fine. She dropped by yesterday to tell me that. It is things like this that makes me feel good about myself, I am at least appreciated.

I read my email today and was taken aback by the fact that my friend from Melbourne is having some complication resulting from her pregnancy. I hope and pray that all this will be transient and can be managed well. As far as I know, it should not be too difficult to handle and I have confidence that it would be okay.

My ex called me just now, I missed the call and I thought the number looked familiar, having deleted all the numbers from my mobile, i returned her call and talked to her for sometime. I don't know why but when I talked to her, I felt a tug on my heart, sort of like an exhilarating feeling. She received her blood test results and wanted to ask me about some of the abnormal values in the results. I explained to her and advised her accordingly. She mentioned that she might be shifting to one condominium and she hasn't actually start work yet. Shifting to a condominium costs lots of money and I think she must have obtained her money from somewhere. Is she having an affair with a married man? or worst still staying with someone? Even though all these is beyond me, it sadden me to think that she has deteriorated until like that? Have I played a role in driving her to be like that? Mind you all these as speculation, perhaps she has found a job which covers her lodgings? I asked her but she said she doesn't have an obligation to tell me. Fair enough. I still entertain the thought of getting back together with her, if she were to behave and is what I think, it has effectively driven the last nail to the problem. I had always loved her and still do actually. It's just that I think she is neither ready nor commited enough at this stage to settle down, I am old I admit but It doesn't mean that things like this can be compromised.

I saw a patient today who wants me to sell him sick leave. I naturally didn't want to sell as it was not ethical as well as being legally wrong. I told him about that. So people actually have the nerve to scold me and then told me many other practitioners actually does that. I told him that eventhough others are doing that, I AM NOT!

Well tomorrow I am not working, and I am sure there is nothing for me to do. I haven't any plans for tonight as well as tomorrow, I reckon I will be going for my jog again. Sometimes I wonder what sort of life do I have? I really should consider going for a long deserved holiday! But still have a lot of loose ends to tie up before I can actually leave. Hopefully in the next couple of months my finances are good enough to employ another doctor to replace me for the time being.

Just gotten wind that the installment for my apartment will commence shortly. I sometimes wonder if I had made the right purchase. I think in the next couple of years recession will set in and there will be loads of cheaper apartments to buy. But I was in a rush then, actually thought of shifting out and gotten married at one time.

It's currently 4pm and I have gotten through halfway through today. Hopefully patients will continue streaming inwards. Am feeling a bit tired actually, but I think I will brush that aside and continue with what I am doing.


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