A mind of their own?
Living in this age and time, everything is automated, everything has "fuzzy logic" in it, for whatever that means. Even a washing machine has some AI and fuzzy logic which purportedly ends up cleaning the clothes better. Sounds funny? sounds out of this world? Sounds ludicrous? Well, welcome to the new millenium, the 21 century.
What i am wondering if all this so called Artificial intelligence, does a machine really process it? Allow me to elaborate further when I am asking if they have one, for everything from automated teller machines, to dialing the bank or your local telephone exchange and asking for assistance.
As for me, I bank in the takings for my clinic every day or at least once in a few days. Naturally I bank it in via ATMs, and it's easy and convenient, don't get me wrong, but at times it's utterly frustrating and irritating. It's funny when you bank in notes, it is invariably that some will be new, some worn out with some stains on it, and assortment of notes of different denominations. Funny thing is that each individual machine has it's own character. Each has it's whims and fancies. I would no doubt bank into my favorite ATM rather than anyone that's not "engaged". It's because the one that I use, will take most irregular notes, stained? no problem, new? also no problem, "semua hantam". Other machines rejects new notes, and takes old one. Some worst one even rejects everything. So if I were to be forced to use them, I'd end up folding and staining the notes so that the ATM will accept it. I mean why the double standards?
It's especially irritating when they only takes 30 notes at one time and when u slot in 30 notes, 10 will be rejected the first time and then 6 and then 2 and the last one will be rejected a few times. It takes time and looking over the shoulder all the time is pretty intimidating especially when u anticipate the next fellow that shuffles near you might be the one that is planning on robbing you. Well in Bolehland, anything can happen, we have thieves carting away the whole ATM machine barely 100 metres from the police station. What do you expect? Anyway this is not the scope of this post.
Anyone might have had the experience of dialing the local phone directory or a internet service provider asking you to press '0' for operator assistance, dial '1' for menu, dial '2' for products enquiry, dial '3' for technical assistance, and the numerical goes on...irritating isn't it, talking to an electronic voice?
Do they have a mind of their own? I hope not, lest we'd be like some out of Hollywood blockbuster epic. I'd stick to old fashion operator or over the counter banking, thank you very much.
What i am wondering if all this so called Artificial intelligence, does a machine really process it? Allow me to elaborate further when I am asking if they have one, for everything from automated teller machines, to dialing the bank or your local telephone exchange and asking for assistance.
As for me, I bank in the takings for my clinic every day or at least once in a few days. Naturally I bank it in via ATMs, and it's easy and convenient, don't get me wrong, but at times it's utterly frustrating and irritating. It's funny when you bank in notes, it is invariably that some will be new, some worn out with some stains on it, and assortment of notes of different denominations. Funny thing is that each individual machine has it's own character. Each has it's whims and fancies. I would no doubt bank into my favorite ATM rather than anyone that's not "engaged". It's because the one that I use, will take most irregular notes, stained? no problem, new? also no problem, "semua hantam". Other machines rejects new notes, and takes old one. Some worst one even rejects everything. So if I were to be forced to use them, I'd end up folding and staining the notes so that the ATM will accept it. I mean why the double standards?
It's especially irritating when they only takes 30 notes at one time and when u slot in 30 notes, 10 will be rejected the first time and then 6 and then 2 and the last one will be rejected a few times. It takes time and looking over the shoulder all the time is pretty intimidating especially when u anticipate the next fellow that shuffles near you might be the one that is planning on robbing you. Well in Bolehland, anything can happen, we have thieves carting away the whole ATM machine barely 100 metres from the police station. What do you expect? Anyway this is not the scope of this post.
Anyone might have had the experience of dialing the local phone directory or a internet service provider asking you to press '0' for operator assistance, dial '1' for menu, dial '2' for products enquiry, dial '3' for technical assistance, and the numerical goes on...irritating isn't it, talking to an electronic voice?
Do they have a mind of their own? I hope not, lest we'd be like some out of Hollywood blockbuster epic. I'd stick to old fashion operator or over the counter banking, thank you very much.
miss those old times.. used to put coins in little piggy bank and feel them becomes heavier and heavier with each passing days. lagi excited when it is full and brought over the counter to empty it and hear the sound of clanging noise by coins in the machine. feel thrilled, it sounds stupid, rite? :P
fiery, at July 23, 2008 12:07 PM
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